Discovery Family Program
We know that addiction is a family disease the Discovery Family program offers healing which can restore connection and promote wellbeing, not just for family but entire communities. Through exploring relationships with self and others, family members are encouraged to embark on a transformative journey of wellness, together.
Personal healing is enhanced through experiencing a sense of support in a safe, non-judgemental environment where you will begin to understand your personal responsibility in relationships. Through education and group process individuals gain tools required to heal family issues, develop parenting skills, and gain insight into maladaptive coping strategies and alternative behaviors. Individuals are supported in establishing skills essential to emotional healing as they experience deep connection to self and others. Through mindfulness practices participants learn to slow down and develop nurturing rituals that enhance self- care. Discovery allows family, friends, and community members to renew trust, enhance communication and build emotional health. Continued support is available to all our discovery alumni as they embrace a recovery focused lifestyle.
Cedars strives to ensure family members and participants gain a new perspective and understanding of how important one’s own wellbeing and growth is. Together we will embark on a journey together through:
Providing education based on the latest addiction and recovery research.
Discovering the impact that addiction has on the family system.
Practicing the skills necessary to establish, maintain, and nurture healthy boundaries in relationships.
Exploring your own unique pathway to spiritual health.
Developing a sense of and prioritizing self-care.
Developing the communication skills to grow relationships.
Learning emotional intimacy and connection.
Exploring the importance of establishing a support network.
Enhancing self-worth and building confidence.
Practicing mindfulness.
Offering continued support and guidance to all Discovery Alumni.
Who is affected by addiction, the short answer? Everyone. Reach out and start the journey today.