Chelsea Bates


Born in Vancouver, Chelsea didn’t have the opportunity to lay down roots growing up.  She grew up in communities spanning British Columbia to Ontario. Chelsea originally began her career in banking, and in 2009 she found herself struggling with addiction, an eating disorder and her mental health – this is when she sought treatment here at Cedars.  It was here that she was greeted by the love and care she needed to get well and build a foundation for lifelong recovery (one day at a time of course!).  Upon completing treatment, Chelsea took her counsellors recommendation to move to the island and lay down roots.  She worked for Cedars’ from 2012-2017 but returned to the banking sector.  It was then she realized that she truly needed to put her experience and passion to work and returned to Cedars as a counsellor in 2022.  Chelsea holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and while her original plan was to become a forensic pathologist and was pre-med, it was her own journey which had her change her major in the last semester – she knew her calling was to help the living truly LIVE.  As a person in long-term recovery who knows the gift of two lifetimes in one, she needed to help others find that gift.  Her gratitude shows in her work here at Cedars each and every day, she is committed to those she walks with and in setting a solid example of recovery.  Chelsea enjoys spending time with her husband and extended family and traveling – especially when she can combine the two!  Annual trips to Disneyland and Vegas with her mom and sister she makes the most of life.  She prioritizes self-care, maintaining her recovery with meetings, counselling sessions, and of course planning her next vacation which may include Palm Springs or a cruise – it’s amazing what this journey of recovery makes possible!